Our Adoption Story – Welcome Home
September 15, 2018
We arrived early to this hospital so that we could hopefully meet with the pediatrician and know when and where she should be seen prior to us leaving the state. We also wanted to make sure there were no concerns with Kendall that we should be aware of. And thankfully there weren’t.

Once the birth mother was discharged we were also able to leave. We packed up as many samples and supplies we could snag from the hospital that we could use while staying in the state. Just before lunchtime we got to load up Kendall into the car for her first ride out into the world.
We arrived back to the house with a warm welcome from new big sister Brooklyn and grandma!! There was a beautiful handmade banner on the wall and balloons to welcome baby Kendall!

The next couple of days were spent at our home getting to know Kendall. We were blessed to even welcome visits from friends even though we were miles from home. God certainly was working to allow us to have long-distance friends be there to celebrate this new life and to support our adoption. Specifically, those who had been praying and walking alongside us through this journey. It made this time feel perfectly planned and brought us so much comfort during this sudden change.

One friend, in particular, was conveniently available as she had extended her trip by an extra day in case anything came up to do while visiting Salt Lake City. So she just happened to be available to spend time with us, meet little Kendall, and bless us with some photos of our first days as a family of four.

We even got to share in a bit of football rivalry while our opposing teams (Vikings vs Packers) we’re playing on Sunday football. How refreshing and relaxing it felt to have a normal weekend and ease into life with a newborn.

To read the entire story use the links below: