Intentional Goal Planning
Sometime in 2014 I had won a 6-month set of undated Powersheets. They sat on my bookshelf for two years! I intended to always start them but never took the time to dig in. I thought I was getting by fine with my multiple post-it notes and long to-do lists. What I didn’t realize was that I wasn’t living my days with intention. I was just downloading all the things I needed to get done in order to accomplish some overall goal that was never clearly defined. Then I would try to check off this list only to have it continue to grow and grow and feeling like I was never really accomplishing anything. Because of this I was living a defeated life and without any definition of success I was continuing to fail.
In January of 2016 I started the year with my 2014 Powersheets and began to set some intentional goals using the worksheets provided. Then I put them down and didn’t touch them again until June. With a significant move to a new state I knew that I needed to get some clearly defined goals down and I needed to create some action steps in order to have this move go smoothly for myself, my family, and my business.
After using the Powersheets for 3 months I was hooked and totally dependent on my tending list to keep me focused on my tasks each month. The tending list helps me plan my smaller daily action steps so I can stay on track with my monthly goals that are based off of my over goals for the year. I know that if it is on my tending list then there is meaning behind it and it’s worth spending time on.
The most awesome thing I’ve noticed is with my monthly brain dump sheets. Each month before I write out my goals and tasks I brain dump everything in my head that needs to get done (if you’ve never brain dumped before try it). It might not be something that needs to be done that month and I might move it to the next month, but once it’s out of my head and written down my head feels much more clear to take on tasks. I take this list and create goals and tasks for the month based on what I need to get done. After months of doing this I’ve noticed my brain dump sheet getting smaller. This was evidence that I was accomplishing tasks that earlier would have sat on a to-do list for months and I was slowly making progress in areas that I never did before.
You guys!! These Powersheets are nothing magical but they have helped me define what is most important to me and helped me create intentional goals that fill my days with meaning. Flowers grow slowly through the dirt and if we want to see good growth we need to cultivate what matters over time. I hope these Powersheets can help you live a more intentional and meaningful life! To get your Powersheets head over to the Cultivate What Matters shop! (affiliate link) **These will sell out so make sure to get yours ASAP!**
Pictures above is the new One Year Intentional Goal Planner! Once you get yours send me a note and tell me how excited you are!! I would love to help you keep accountable as you plan out your best year yet!