Armpit Detox Recipe for Switching to Natural Deodorant
I know, I know! Armpits are a touchy subject. For some, they just don’t want to go there. That is getting too personal. But I wanted to bring up something that I feel is super important and many are not aware of.

While most are familiar with a detox diet or detox bath we may have never thought about an armpit detox. When you consider your anatomy and lymphatic system you will notice that a very large amount of lymph nodes are right near your armpit and your lymph system collects all the toxins and waste your body is exposed to. Just think of all the junk collecting around this area when we apply conventional deodorants that block our sweat glands.
Plus, those deodorants are full of toxic chemicals that are not necessary.
- Aluminum – Suggested to be possibly linked to breast cancer and Alzheimer’s
- Parabens – Hormone disruptor and has a possible link to breast cancer
- Phthalates – Endocrine disruptor which causes hormone imbalance
- Formaldehyde – This World Health Organization link lists it as a known carcinogen.

So detoxing is important for two reasons.
ONE: Over time a lot of chemicals build up in your pores and glands. An armpit detox can pull out those impurities that make you stink and are clogging up your lymph system.
TWO: Detoxing prior to making the switch to a natural deodorant can make the adjustment period more tolerable. Less smell, less irritation.
Those two reasons alone pretty much mean everyone should give it a try at some point. I would also encourage you to consider the ingredients in your current deodorant and reference the Environmental Working Group if your curious about how safe they are.

I’ve personally tried a few different brands of natural deodorant and these are the ones I would suggest trying:
Young Living’s Valor Deodorant
Meow Meow Tweet Rose Geranium Baking Soda Free
Cleo+Coco Lavender Vanilla
Kaia Naturals The Takesumi Detox Cold Pressed Rose
Agent Nateur Uni(sex) No.5 – great option for men!
So if you think your pits could use a detox and/or you’re ready to make the switch to a cleaner natural deodorant here is a recipe you can use.

1 TBSP Bentonite Clay
1 TSP Apple Cider Vinegar
1 TSP Water
3 Drops Lavender Essential Oil (optional)
- Mix your ingredients in a glass bowl until you have a creamy consistency that is easy to spread but not watery. Do not use metal as the bentonite clay reacts with metal.
- Spread an even layer under each armpit and leave it to for for 5-15 minutes.
- You may experience some redness as this can increase circulation however it should not hurt or be painful.
- Rinse off in the shower or with a warm washcloth.
- You can repeat this detox as you adjust to your natural deodorant or if you notice more odor.

If you are making the switch to a natural deodorant that is awesome! I’m so glad you have chosen something that is so much better for your health! Know that the adjustment period is different for everyone and it can take a couple of weeks for your body to detox the junk and buildup that was in your armpits as well as adjust to the new product. I encourage you to not give up and try this detox recipe to help.